Server Side Rendering

SSR is a critical feature for any modern web application.

We implement it thanks to react-ssr because we tried other solutions like NextJS and we think there are few points that are left unsolved:

  1. Progressive loading in the client
  2. Nested data loading
  3. Component based routing - react-router
  4. Dynamically opt out SSR

Progressive loading in the client

You should never freeze the user experience waiting from data to be loaded. Instead you want to run spinners, loaders and funny text messages Slack style.

In the server - on the other hands - you must await all the data in order to produce a complete HTML response.

While NextJS choose to await all the data in any circumstance, ForrestJS handles the client and server situations in 2 different ways, under the hood, without you noticing (if you don't want to).

Nested data loading

A React application is composable by nature. While is not a top-notch best practice to nest containers inside components, we think you are smart enough to understand when it is worth to introduce an exception to the rule.

While NextJS asks you to load any piece of data at each page's root componet, ForrestJS leaves the decision open to your specific needs.

You can choose to load everything at the top and implement a tree of pure components, which we suggest, or you can decide to deep nest a container that is in charge of loading it's own specific data.

The SSR will kindly await all your data requests no matter what.

Component based routing

If there are two projects that made the React's world a better place are:

Together they allow do declaratively structure your application in smaller portions, at any level deep in the rendering tree.

While NextJS and GatsbyJS implement a page based routing (which is important for static website genaration, which we don't support), ForrestJS let you handle the routing and the code splitting the way you see it better.

You don't really have to have a router at all, or you can implement your own. ForrestJS doesn't make the decision for you, and in this starter we decided to go for react-router.

Dynamically opt out SSR

Let's face it: SSR hits on our servers' CPU.

While it is critical to serve the fastest possible content to a first comer and Google bots, you may want to serve a pure client side app to a returning visitor or a private area.

There is no real point in SSR rendering a piece of the app that is behind login, right?

ForrestJS let you implement a custom logic to decide, route by route, whether to SSR or not:

// ssr/boot.js

shouldRender: req => res.session === null

This simple example will SSR all the anonymous sessions, and let the client rendering take over for any authenticated session.

Simple, right?

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