ForrestJS API » The App Context

ForrestJS API » The App Context

The App Context

A ForrestJS App runs inside a scoped memory context where Services and Features can share data and APIs.

How Access the API

The setContext() and getContext() are given as arguments to any ForrestJS Service and Feature's manifest function:

const myService = ({ setContext, getContext }) => {
  // write your manifest

And into any ForrestJS action in the second argument:

  hook: '$SOME_HOOK',
  handler: (_, { setContext, getContext }) => {
    // handle your action

NOTE: all the lifecycle hooks ($INIT_SERVICE, $INIT_FEATURE, etc...) provide the same object as first and second parameter to the action handler function.

Writing To The Context

Use the setContext(key, val) API to write into the ForrestJS App memory context.

You can pass a nested key path and the proper data structure will be automatically created for you. The value could be any valid JavaScript object.

// Set a key/value:
setContext('key', 'value');

// Set a complex object:
setContext('key', { name: 'foobar', value: 123 });

// Set a nested object property:
setContext('deep.nested.key', 123);

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You can mix the key notation with path notation to mutate only portions of the context:

// First set a context:
setContext('user', {
  name: 'Luke Skywalker',
  address: {
    planet: 'Tatooine',
    region: 'desert',

// Then change only part of it:
setContext('user.address.region', 'lakes');

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Reading From The Context

Use getContext(key [, defaultValue]) to read from the App's context:

const planet = getContext('user.address.planet');

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You can be very specific about the info you ask as the path is formally checked and the getContext() will throw an error in case the required path does not exists. This behavior helps you to avoid typos in the data-paths you plan to access.

try {
} catch (err) {

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Default Values

It may happen that you want to apply a default value to a non existing context key. This could be useful in case you want to set a loose dependency on an optional Service or Feature that may or may not provide some information:

const optData = getContext('', 'foobar');

When using the default values you (obviously) loose the strict check on the path's correctness. Be careful with that!

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Array Support

The set/get context is based on a small utility called dotted. There is a primitive support for accessing data in array format. Please refer to the documentation in the NPM page.

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