NodeJS Packages - ForrestJS

Over the years, I found myself configuring some basic stuff over and over again. Nowadays I do my best to abstract generic needs into sharable and reusable packages that you find listed here.

Most of them consist in very little amount of code, but they provide hooks so that your application can easily extend and customize their behaviour.

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ForrestJS Core

This is the core of ForrestJS project. It allows you to implement extensible applications made of composable feature pretty much like Wordpress does with their plugins, but in a NodeJS fashion, and with traceable and debuggable support.

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👉 Introduction Example on CodeSandbox
👉 Kitchensink Example



It creates a Fastify instance into the ForrestJS app, and let other features extend it with routes and plugins.

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It integrates with Fastify to expose a /healthz healthcheck endpoint. Features can integrate here to run their checks and invalidate it in case something goes wrong.

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It integrates with Fastify for serving static files. (Although, I want to remember you that NGiNX or a simple CDN will do better)

Wrapper around fastify-static plugin.

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👉 Open the CodeSandbox example

It integrates with Fastify and exposes an interface to read and write cookies, safely.

Wrapper around fastify-cookie plugin.

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It integrates with Fastify and let you configure CORS access to your APIs.

Wrapper around fastify-cors plugin.

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Sets up an Apollo Graphql Server in the ForrestJS app and provides hooks to extend the schema from a feature.

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👉 Open the CodeSandbox example


Sets up an Apollo Client in the ForrestJS app and makes it available to route handlers.

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Sets up an Fetchq Client in the ForrestJS app and makes it available to route handlers.

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👉 Open the CodeSandbox example


Helps to issue and validate JWT tokens. It is mainly a Promise wrapper around the package jsonwebtoken.

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👉 Open the CodeSandbox example


It provides some basic cryptographic helper methods to safely hash passwords.

[[to be completed]]

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It helps establishing a reliable connection with one or more Postgres databases using the library pg.

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It exposes a simple interface to logging using Winston under the hood.

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