React Packages - ForrestJS

React Components are just regular Javascript functions, right?

Then you can use ForrestJS to compose your React App declaratively enjoyng the modularity provided by Services and Features 😎.

👉 Get Started with ReactJS and ForrestJS


It renders a React component into the DOM and it provides a linear way to wrap your application with Context Providers avoiding the Context Provider Hell.

👉 Install from NPM
👉 Documentation
👉 Introduction Example on CodeSandbox
👉 Introduction (2) Example on CodeSandbox


It provides your React App with a react-router Context Provider.

👉 Install from NPM
👉 Documentation
👉 Introduction Example on CodeSandbox 👉 Introduction Example 2 on CodeSandbox 👉 Introduction Example 3 on CodeSandbox


It wraps your App with a MUI Context Provider. Then you have ForrestJS API to customize the default theme and to create new ones.

👉 Install from NPM
👉 Documentation
👉 Introduction Example on CodeSandbox

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